Staveley Junior School

Welcome to Staveley Junior School

College Avenue, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3XE

01246 472 325


At Staveley Junior School, we view History as a way to inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past; through gaining knowledge about Britain’s past and the past of the wider world. Throughout their learning, Children are encouraged to ask questions and research ideas to develop a curiosity about the past and the world they live in. 

History at Staveley Junior School is taught through our cross curricular topics; the curriculum planning ensures prior learning of skills and children’s knowledge is built upon each year, which ensures the continuity and progression of skills.

Our children study a wide range of ancient, British and world history, learning about famous historical figures and exploring how and why they have influenced our lives today. We offer a range of enhancement activities throughout the year, which all feed into the history. These include day trips, visitors and assemblies.

In addition to this, we recognise the importance that History plays in preparing our children with skills that they can use for life, raising their aspirations, understanding how to be a good and responsible citizen, understanding change and societal development and a context in which to understand themselves and others. This is extremely important for all children to allow them access to a much wider world.


History Overview 2022 - 23