Staveley Junior School

Welcome to Staveley Junior School

College Avenue, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 3XE

01246 472 325

PE, School Sport and Physical Activity

Our Vision Statement

“Learning fundamental movement skills, 

enjoying sport and healthy competition, 

achieving positive relationships with physical activity for life.”


We are keen for all of our young people to be fit, active and healthy. We aim to give children the opportunity to be physically active at many times in the day so they can fulfil the 60 minutes of recommended exercise each day. This is before school, in PE lessons, at break times, in after-school clubs and during sporting events.

The impact we seek for all pupils is for them to have a full range of well developed fundamental movement skills and the learning behaviours to put these into practice, ie. the personal, social, cognitive and creative skills to enable them to physically able and have good health & fitness.

We implement these aims through our Real PE scheme and the Jasmine Active online platform. This provides the games, the impetus and the guidance to help our children to do their best. We also add other sports to the PE curriculum such as football, rugby, netball, basketball, orienteering, gymnastics, dance, rounders, cricket, tennis and athletics. These ensure a broad and balanced curriculum and give the children the chance to put their skills into practice in competitive situations.

The impact of all of this is to prepare our pupils with the positive attitude and routines to be physically active throughout their lives, to have the skills to take up different games and sports as they progress through school and educations, and to be able to enjoy being fit and healthy.  

We also take part in the Daily Mile in the afternoons and are in the SHAPE learning partnership to offer a broad and balanced curriculum to all of our pupils. See the links for more information.

Real PE | Jasmine (

The Daily Mile UK

Shape Learning Partnership (

When it is your child's PE day, they are to wear their PE kit into school. This should consist of plain black shorts or black bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and good footwear for being active. A red school jumper can be worn on top to stay warm.